Web Administrator – NMRA Australasian Region
Based in Northern new South Wales, I have been involed with model railroading on and off from the age of about 8. You know the normal girls and cars get in the way of a life long hobby. From being dragged along to local club meeting and show in the SE corner of QLD by my father the love for this hobby has grown.
A freelance HO North American modeller, i like to model the last 10 years moving forward day by day. My current home layout (Girard Division) is a double deck arond the walls layout in a space of about 6m x 6m. I enjoy the tech and electronics side of the hobby.
I pride myself on growing and sharing this hobby with anyone that will listen for five minutes. I regually join in virtual online meeting with other regionals and division from all over the world. I curently sit as secretary of the Northern River Model Railroaders INC, Web Adminisator for the Australasian Region, Head up the NMRAx team doing Virtual Conventions and Clinics, IT Team Member at a National Level aswell as working on two National projects that are in to build and develop stage.