Hills District MRC UP Train on the club’s HO – DCC layoutOld Steam on the club’s HO – DCC layoutThe Icing plant on the HO LayoutReplacing the end of track bumper on the HO LayoutWaiting for clearance at the Tower on the HO LayoutWaiting for the ice to meltA wheel barrow of balast will go a long way.No Comment – on the HO layoutSunglasses needed for this carNo CommentBusy in the main streetTriple By Pass on the new N Scale exhibition layoutTriple By Pass – another angleSpringfield JunctionA real loco!Time to re-fuelOne Whistle too many?Coal for the steamersLogging for a better view.Waiting for the train (HOn30)The crew has gone home. (HOn30)All Quiet (HOn30)The rust is growing (HOn30)(HOn30)Waiting for the boat (HOn30)The Old Enlish OO scale layoutThe old N Scale LauoutThe old English OO Layout