Saturday AM
Saturday PM
Sunday AM
Sunday PM
Start | About this Clinic | Takeouts | Spots | L | S | P | Clinician |
9.00 am (15mins) | Official Opening and Address Convention Host: John Arrowsmith, Region President: Duncan Cabassi, NMRA President: Gordy Robinson (tbc) Location: Ballroom | ||||||
9.15 am | Today’s Modelling Scene – A Plenary Session Panel: Will James, Joe Callipari, Paul Cassar, Anthony Palmer, Peter Berg, and John Arrowsmith Location: Ballroom | ||||||
10.00 am | Morning Tea | ||||||
10.45 am | Flat Cars—Protype to Model The presentation covers the development of Flat Car/Platform Wagons over the decades, loading principles and quick look at some of the loads they carried for both narrow and standard gauge railways/railroads. Plus, some tips on how to model them, making loads and adding them to your rollingstock. | You will have an understanding on how to build your own flat car/platform wagon, make loads and enhance your rollingstock that will assist you to have prototype operations. | ![]() Arthur Hay | ||||
Format: Presentation – up to 100 people, Kingston Town Room | 61 places | ||||||
Scratch Building Industrial Sites Sometimes the scene you want is not supported by kits. Scratch building is easy and we will walk through making an industrial scene. We will have examples of a building from the “mock up” to final finish for you to see and touch. | You will have confidence to scratch build a model using easily available tools and materials. | ![]() Jeff Lee MMR | |||||
Format: Workshop – up to 25 people, Winx Room | 62 places | ||||||
(1h 45m) | A Newcastle Rail and Industry Museum Rail museums, often including working train layouts, are becoming more common and more professional, such as the recently established Bathurst Rail Museum. This clinic will look at similar museums around the world, and discuss ideas for a Newcastle Rail and Industry Museum, covering the rail, maritime, industrial and architectural heritage of Newcastle. It will include a presentation and workshop to explore its potential management, design and operation. | Newcastle’s unique history, and museum designs from around the world. Also an opportunity to help shape this initiative. | ![]() Garry Glazebrook | ||||
Format: Seminar – up to 45 people, Phar Lap Room | 63 places | ||||||
11.45 am | LCC – The Current State of Use in Layouts LCC has now been around for almost 20 years. We will look at the very basic implementation, attempt to resolve the confusion between DCC and LCC, and talk about some current LCC products. We will demonstrate some locally made products and show how LCC works with and without the need for computer systems and describe lessons learnt from Michael Peters Cooinda layout for the past eleven years. | A clearer understanding of the role LCC plays in the control of model railway layouts. | ![]() Chris Minahan | ||||
Format: Presentation – up to 100 people Kingston Town Room | 65 places | ||||||
12.30 | Lunch |
Start | About this Clinic | Takeouts | Spots | L | S | P | Clinician |
12.30 | Lunch | ||||||
1.15 pm | Running full prototype length model trains Many model railway enthusiasts will tell you that small scale model locomotives can’t pull a scale load. This is true for some off the shelf models and is mostly a problem for steam locomotives with tenders. This talk explores the various ways to achieve prototype length train operations. | The basic theory about friction and rolling resistance. How to improve locomotive tractive effort How to decrease the train rolling resistance Layout design factors. | ![]() Terry Flynn | ||||
Format: Seminar – up to 45 people, Phar Lap Room | spot | ||||||
Wheels, Rails, Pickup Getting your locos and rolling stock to stay on the track. | His trains will stay on the track. | ![]() Gerry Hopkins MMR | |||||
Format: Workshop – up to 25 people, Winx Room | spot | ||||||
(1h 45m) | Setting Up for Operations with JMRI Do you want to operate your layout similar to the prototype? Do you want the layout to have a purpose? This clinic will walk you through the process of how to set up JMRI Ops Pro for freight car forwarding on a layout. | This clinic will lead you through the building blocks of JMRI Operations Pro so you can use it to set up your layout to generate realistic paperwork for Operations on your layout. | ![]() Duncan Cadassi | ||||
Format: Presentation – up to 100 people, Kingston Town Room | spot | ||||||
2.15 pm | Decoders – Preparation, Selection, Installation and Programming. Preparing your loco – isolation of parts and connecting of parts. Which decoder to choose for you loco, your knowledge and your skills. Where do you look for information on your loco and your decoder. Choosing the right wires and bits for your install. How to install LEDs in your locos and rolling stock. Testing your install and programming for the your enjoyment. | Knowing what decoders can do for you so that you get the best results for your money and the most satisfaction from your work. | ![]() Gerry Hopkins MMR | ||||
Format: Seminar – up to 45 people, Phar Lap Room | spot | ||||||
How do you couple various makes of rolling stock. A primer on N couplers. There are several types of couplers supplied with various brands of rolling stock and they all don’t play nicely with each other to provide trouble free running and operations. This clinic will look at the different types, where best to use them and different ways of changing and tuning couplers and bogies to provide reliable running. If you have rolling stock that have troubles bring them along | How to select the right coupler and how to convert your rolling stock for trouble free running. | ![]() Rob Peterson | |||||
Format: Seminar – up to 45 people, Phar Lap Room | spot | ||||||
3.00 | Afternoon Tea | ||||||
3.30 pm | Focus on composition and creative viewpoints. Telling a Story” from many different train locations and journeys visited overseas and in Australia. A photographic train journey that will focus on creativity rather than camera techniques. Improve your images by using compositional guidelines, looking for the light, and using a different perspective. Experience train trips and museums visited in UK, Switzerland, Canada, and Australia. Photography tips and references to professional websites in the handout. | Use composition and creativity to tell a story with your train photos. Enjoy some new, or rekindle some existing, train journeys. Website references in handouts. | ![]() Ruth Garbutt | ||||
Format: Workshop – up to 25 people, Winx Room | spot | ||||||
(1h 45m) | Baseline Weathering I’ll present the five basic steps I use to improve the prototypical appearance and create some individuality to all my rolling stock: • Trucks/couplers • Paint fade • Washes • Drybrush / Highlights • Flat finish Although these techniques are presented in HO, they crossover to all scales. I utilise airbrushes but also present alternative techniques to achieve similar end results | The confidence to try some or all of these techniques and see what works for each individual modeler. | ![]() Steve Pettit MMR | ||||
Format: Presentation – up to 100 people Kingston Town Room | spot | ||||||
Moving Coal on the Newcastle-Fassifern Layout If moving coal in the 1960’s in NSW is your thing, then this clinic aims at exploring the intricacy of the real prototype in the Hunter Region, and how I simulate it on my Newcastle – Fassifern layout. Includes details of different types of trains, coal types, destinations, motive power and schedules. Includes details how my prototype – based schedules were developed. | History of coal mining and rail movement in the Hunter up to the 1960’s Coal markets (export, steel making, locomotive purposes, other industry) Generating prototype-based timetables. | ![]() Garry Glazebrook | |||||
Format: Seminar – up to 45 people, Phar Lap Room | spot | ||||||
4.30 pm | Get the Tru-Blu Scoop on Blunami A deep dive into the new Soundtraxx Blunami DCC sound decoders. Discover all the cool new features this product can offer. Wireless control: Yes! Access to quickly set cv’s: Yes! Running on battery power: Yes! Running on an analogue system: Absolutely, Yes! Come and see the exciting innovations cooked up by the folks at Soundtraxx. | Knowledge on how far Bluetooth technology has come – hot off the track from the recent USA convention. | ![]() Martin Jenkins | ||||
Format: Seminar – up to 45 people, Phar Lap Room | spot | ||||||
Getting your MoJo back or finishing that project you started a few years ago. What happened to that project you started a few years ago and put it away “till later”. Get your enthusiasm back and get it finished! | How to restart that unfinished project and be proud of it! | ![]() Gerry Hopkins MMR | |||||
Format: Seminar – up to 25 people, Winx Room | spot | ||||||
5.15 | Clinics Close |
Start | About this Clinic | Takeouts | Spots | L | S | P | Clinician |
8.30 am | Welcome to Sunday Convention Host: John Arrowsmith | ||||||
8.45 am | Weathering in a Can and with an Accent Craig Mackie and Paul (PK) Kaluschke will provide and discuss some tools, techniques and skills to enable modellers to begin their journey along the modelling continuum. We will show you how to move your models from straight ‘out of the box’ into being classified as ‘detailed models. This will lead modellers onto being able to eventually create highly detailed models, if they use these skills with other available techniques. | How to turn a newly purchased wagon or kit into a weathered wagon or kit that starts the modeller along the path to being able to detail model items. | ![]() Craig Mackie and PK | ||||
Format: Seminar – up to 45 people, Phar Lap Room | |||||||
.An Introduction to JMRI and Why You Need It This clinic assumes that you have never used JMRI but are curious about what it is and why you should use it. The clinic does assume those attending will have some computer skills. The aim of the clinic is to enlighten those attendees that have never used JMRI but are curious about what it is and they should use it. The clinic does not require any knowledge of JMRI. | The clinic attendees will take away a general overall understanding of what JMRI is and what it can be used for in their modelling endeavours. | ![]() Ian Sprent | |||||
Format: Presentation – up to 100 people Kingston Town Room | |||||||
Layout Operations – A Workshop The NMRA’s OpSIG publication of 2017, “A Compendium of Model Railroad Operations” is a landmark document, particularly for North American prototype modellers. How can these modellers, or modellers of this Region’s railways, use it? This workshop will explore what we are all doing now, where we want to go, and will urge the next steps in forming a Regional approach to layout operations. | A discussion of the operations systems used in this Region and the experiences of layout owners and operators, planning to improve skills and satisfaction in layout operations within the Region. | ![]() Ian Barnes | |||||
Format: Workshop – up to 25 people, Winx Room | |||||||
9.45 am | Operations. How to get started and the enjoyment it adds. So you have a layout or planning one and have heard people talking about operations! Are operations for me, what is it, can I adopt it or how do I start?? Operations or operating sessions are about running your trains like the real thing. Any size layout can offer some form of operations and during the presentation I will discuss various types and ways to enhance your layout | Have an understanding of how operations is used and implemented to enhance and increase the enjoyment of running trains on a layout. | ![]() Daren Lee | ||||
Format: Presentation – up to 100 people Kingston Town Room | |||||||
10.30 | Morning Tea | ||||||
11.00 am | Servos for Switches: War stories and Tips Servos are an alternative to Tortoise Switch machine and solenoid motors. They move the switch in a more prototypical manner and due to their small size can be used where Tortoise is not applicable. | Learn how the prototype NYC and CSX railroads are modelled on the West Shore River Division in New York. | ![]() Jeff Lee MMR | ||||
Format: Seminar – up to 45 people, Phar Lap Room | |||||||
The Journey in developing an O Scale layout of the New York Central West Shore River Division How did an English Railway Modeller end up building a U.S. based railroad? Enjoy the photographic journey of the development of a 400 square metre O Scale layout focused on the River Division of the New York Central. Learn how two modelling periods have evolved – year 1950 NYC and year 2000 CSX. Learn of techniques used in the railroad and see the large range of locomotives and rolling stock. | Learn how the prototype NYC and CSX railroads are modelled on the West Shore River Division in New York. | ![]() David Howarth | |||||
12.00pm | How to Train Your Crew This Clinic will present some ideas for layout owners who are thinking of implementing or improving Operations Sessions on their layout. It will discuss relevant information to present to potential crew members so they have an understanding of the layout and feel confident to operate the layout. Our ultimate goal is to schedule a successful immersive Operations Session for the enjoyment of all in attendance | Ideas for information to be provided to your crew. | ![]() Craig Mackie | ||||
Format: Workshop – up to 25 people, Winx Room | |||||||
Tip & Tricks for Modelling in Styrene. Come and learning some “Tip and Tricks” for using styrene for building structures and rollingstock. During the session we will learn from each other as we discuss what works for you and me. Let’s look at what’s available and where you get it, tools you find usefull and construction methods that make unique models you cannot purchase. | You will leave with a renewed awareness of what can be achieved and knowledge that will assist you in your modelling endeavours. | ![]() Arthur Hayes MMR | |||||
Format: Seminar – up to 45 people, Phar Lap Room | |||||||
12.45 | Lunch |
Start | About this Clinic | Takeouts | Spots | L | S | P | Clinician |
12.45 | Lunch | ||||||
1.15 pm | Planning Your Layout using the rewards and limitations of your aspirations Creating and designing track plans depend on experiences of each individual and the space available. We all strive to express our rail modelling and operating aspirations within our experiences. Model railroaders are all different and none of us has the exact space to build our rail empire and satisfy our ambitions. Planning for our best outcome, means scrapping some preconceptions to adopt new and alternative viewpoint. | Before laying the first piece of track, have you considered all the alternatives that may affect the future of your layout. | ![]() Graeme Barnes MMR | ||||
Format: Presentation – up to 100 people Kingston Town Room | |||||||
Get the Tru-Blu Scoop on Blunami A deep dive into the new Soundtraxx Blunami DCC sound decoders. Discover all the cool new features this product can offer. Wireless control: Yes! Access to quickly set cv’s: Yes! Running on battery power: Yes! Running on an analogue system: Absolutely, Yes! Come and see the exciting innovations cooked up by the folks at Soundtraxx. | Knowledge on how far Bluetooth technology has come – hot off the track from the recent USA convention. | ![]() Martyn Jenkins | |||||
Format: Workshop – up to 25 people, Winx Room | |||||||
(1h 45m) | Setting Up for Operations with JMRI (Repeat Presentation) Do you want to operate your layout similar to the prototype? Do you want the layout to have a purpose? This clinic will walk you through the process of how to set up JMRI Ops pro for freight car forwarding on a layout. | Learning about freight car forwarding, and how to understand the relationships between the different functions in JMRI Ops Pro. How to read a build report. | ![]() Duncan Cabassi | ||||
Format: Seminar – up to 45 people, Phar Lap Room | spot | ||||||
2.15 pm | Logging Railways – A Modeller’s Dream A logging railway is fascinating. Whether it’s a principal feature of your layout or side show, a logging railway can be built for almost any period, in a small space and at relatively low cost. The wonderful variety in both North America and Australasia not only lends itself to both prototypical or proto freelancing design but the products from these railways provide ideal freighting opportunities for your main line. | This clinic will describe prototype logging railways in both North America and Australasia, highlighting their huge modelling potential and the resources available to model railroaders. | ![]() Ian Barnes | ||||
Format: Presentation – up to 100 people Kingston Town Room | spot | ||||||
Weathering Rust and Grime Rob will demonstrate weathering techniques for replicating the grime and rust of modern era steel rolling stock without ever touching an airbrush! We will use water soluble paints and no harsh chemicals. Filters, pin-washes, and rust streaks will be covered. | Ability to recreate realistic rusty weathering effects in any scale. | ![]() Rob Barker | |||||
Format: Workshop – up to 25 people, Winx Room | spot | ||||||
3.00 | Afternoon Tea | ||||||
3.20 pm | Build a Farm Shed (Hands on) Is there something missing from your layout you cannot purchase? Why not build it yourself. “Hands On”, come and build a styrene farm shed and you will learn skills for working with styrene. Making parts fit together and assembling parts to make a small structure. All parts are pre-cut and supplied at no cost. | Make your own small structure that you can take home having learnt a new skill working with styrene. | ![]() Arthur Hayes MMR | ||||
Format: Workshop – up to 25 people, Winx Room | spot | ||||||
3D Printing 3D printing is the “in thing” and many small manufacturers now use it extensively. Although you may not get into 3D printing, you need an understanding of the processes to know the limits and abilities of the technology. | 3d printing is becoming common place in the hobby and in life. This clinic tells you how it is done and all the advantages and pitfalls of the technology. | ![]() David O’Hearn MMR | |||||
Format: Presentation – up to 100 people Kingston Town Room | spot | ||||||
Proto Throttle by Iowa Scaled Engineering prototypical operations This clinic showcases the Proto Throttle by Iowa Scaled Engineering. The Proto throttle adds a whole dimension to operations applying realistic acceleration and braking capabilities as well as many other features. The clinic will also discuss how to setup the proto throttle and will also look at how locomotives are programmed to maximise the Proto throttle functionality. | Awareness of proto throttle and the advantages of operating and how to set up both the throttle and locomotive | ![]() Paul Cassar | |||||
Format: Seminar – up to 45 people, Phar Lap Room | spot | ||||||
4.15 pm | JMRI Software Installation and Configuration (Workshop) This clinic is aimed at those people that would like to install JMRI on their computers but have somebody looking over their shoulder to ease them over any hurdles that they may experience. This clinic will require the attendee to have their own computer and be willing to install JMRI onto that computer. The computer must be able to connect to WIFI. | The attendee’s computer will have JMRI installed and they will have a basic understanding on how to use the software. | ![]() Ian Sprent | ||||
Format: Workshop – up to 25 people, Winx Room | Reserve your spot | spot | |||||
Trees for the Forest This clinic will focus on techniques to help modelers create a believable pine forest rather than stand alone individual trees or tree species. The concept presented here is based on using different methods, materials, and level of finishing to build trees and therefore forest with regards to the visibility of the trees within the layout scenery. The emphasis on a successful representation of the forest whilst balancing available modelling Time. | At the conclusion of this clinic, I hope to have shared some ideas and techniques that other modellers can use to create a plausible pine forest on their own layout. | ![]() Steve Pettit MMR | |||||
Format: Seminar – up to 45 people, Phar Lap Room | spot | ||||||
Using Online Tools To Enhance Your Modelling A discussion on using online services to better improve your modelling, whether it be prototype or freelance, regardless of scale. These include the use of such services as Google Maps, YouTube, Various Podcasts, Facebook Groups and Modelling Forums. You may even meet a modeller online who is located near to area you are modelling and can provide photos/video. | Learn where to look for the relevant information or modelling inspiration that will vastly improve your layout and modelling skills. | ![]() Garry Ruming | |||||
Format: Presentation – up to 100 people Kingston Town Room | spots | ||||||
5.10 | Convention Closing Region President: Duncan Cabassi Location: Ballroom |
Leaving the Station | Each clinic has been classified ‘as suitable’ for three target audience types: ‘L’ for Leaving the Station—those new or starting their journey in the topic, ‘S’ for Steaming On—targeted for the modellers well on their journey, and ‘P’ is for topics of a Prototype nature. |
Steaming On | |
Prototype topics |