Built By Dennis Clarke
Model #1: N.S.W.G.R. D53 Class Locomotive.
Scratch Built (brass with some white metal detail parts.)

This model is of a D53 class locomotive of the NSWGR. These locomotives were brought into service from 1912 to 1917, built by Clyde Engineering Company and Eveleigh workshops, and were part of the “Standard Goods” fleet. The model depicts one delivered by Clyde Engineering Company in 1917, later being fitted with a turret tender around 1965 – 67.

The main body, including the boiler, firebox, smoke box, cab, steps, guard irons and main frame footplate were fashioned and soldered from brass sheet. The cab roof, sandboxes (front and rear) and smoke box door were also made and soldered from brass sheet. All piping and front steps were fashioned from brass wire of varying thickness and soldered in place. Some commercial white metal detail kit parts such as funnel, steam dome, air tanks, generator, headlight, compressor, draw hook and buffers were used and soldered in place in construction. Minor detail parts such as safety valves, whistle, clack valves and globe valves are brass spare parts, soldered in place.

The tender was all made from sheet brass, soldered, with some brass wire, including the rear ladder. Some white metal detail parts were used, being the toolbox, water hatch, jack, brake cylinders and buffers. The bogies stretchers were made from brass, the side frames are white metal kit parts.

The chassis sides including the cylinders and brake gear were made from sheet brass. Slide bars and main drive rods were made from strip brass, with the connecting rods heavily modified from spare kit parts. The pony truck was made from sheet and tube brass. All parts are soldered together. All wheels, axles, axle bearings and crossheads are commercial kit parts.

Pickups fitted to:-
LH Driving Wheels,
RH Tender Wheels,
Decoder fitted:
Soundtraxx Tsunami K36, (and programmed).
Speaker: 14×25-08,
Headlight – 1mm LED.
Marker Lights- Rear – .8 mm LED and F/O’s,
Cam Pickup fitted.

Piping fitted:
Air pump to cab, filter and tanks,
Dynamo to cab,
Whistle to Cab,
Air tanks to chassis.
Coupler mount fitted,
Cab numbers fitted- brass,
Fr and Rr number decals,
Tender Coal.

Construction photos and drawings included.
Points Awarded: 105