Turnout Tips – DCC Friendly
Turnouts are the least understood of the items associated with model railways and to compound the problem upgrading to DCC has brought more misunderstanding.
National Model Railroad Association Inc.
Australasian Region
Turnouts are the least understood of the items associated with model railways and to compound the problem upgrading to DCC has brought more misunderstanding.
Good day to all NMRA AR members. As you are aware I took over as President of the Australasia region (AR) on 1st, March 2022. The following information is a summation of activities of the NMRA AR for March, April, and May 2022. I’m not sure if other presidents have had reports issued directly to … Read more
On behalf of the NMRA Australasian Regional Committee (ARC) this email goes out to all of our NMRA AR members. It goes without saying that SE QLD and Northern NSW are being hit by a significant weather event, the likes of which we have not seen in a decade or more. There will be many … Read more
Now that the dust has settled from the recent AGM, it is time I introduce myself to you the members. My name is Duncan Cabassi, I live in Brisbane, and I am the new President of the NMRA AR. Previous to this I have been the Division 1 Superintendent taking over from Martyn Jenkins in … Read more
The NMRA Virtual Awards Night Presentation. Some of our very only AR members were acknowledged. Congratulations! Gerry Hopkins, MMR John Giles